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visionaries, scientists, researchers, artists, musicians, therapists, heralds, knights and benefactors  of an awakened humanity as global earth family on one living planet




of mutual support and empowerment

for an abundant conscious humanity in peaceful action

We recognize

that today


we have arrived at the crossroads

to either be one of the last generations

to witness this earth as a human habitat.


Or to be one of the first

to call in a new era.

Castles have mostly been places of power rather than empowerment.


In a healthy power structure the nation is serving a true king who is in true service to the people. Yet throughout history it has become obvious that power has been mostly abused for only personal gain.


We aim to transcend this pattern - and create a round table where we empower one another to fulfill our true purpose of being in service to the greater good of all. 


An innovative castle as a role model for sustainable solutions in value exchange, science, medicine, art and health. 


Bring your presence and your expertise to a dedicated team of paradigm shifters and contribute to the realization of the Mirna Castle project to be one of the first sustainable castles on the planet.


Our time invites us to a radical shift

in our lifestyle, value and believe-systems.



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To promote good health, wellbeing, prosperity and peace for all, we call in and are creating now sanctuaries for a new earth nation in alignment with the sacred laws and universal principles of life and step forward to manifest sustainable living on this planet. 

Guidelines of the Sanctuary

Leave no footprints – walk in beauty. What does this mean?

To practice methods of finding inner balance in order to be in harmony

with all of our relations and the environment. 

To understand that the Earth is not just our Mother but our collective body

and what we do to the Earth we do to ourselves and the coming generations.

Therefor it is important to make our choices accordingly with the understanding

that everything is delicately interconnected. What we do comes back to us. When we take without giving there will be an imbalance affecting our lives and those who follow

over 7 generations and beyond.

To cultivate and awaken the crucial understanding to protect the elements so that we can preserve a healthy environment for the coming generations. 

To follow the sacred law of life which is the law of love and respect

for all living beings in all worlds. 


To understand that we are guests and visitors on this planet for a limited life time
and that our actions have an impact over 7 generations to follow. This understanding
demands mindful choices and conscious action to preserve a healthy planet for our children. We have inherited everything we have from the ancestors - our great grandfathers and grandmothers who walked the land before us and prepared the way for us to be here now. What do we leave for the children of our children? 


To develop and preserve the Sanctuary into a self-sustained Oasis and Garden of beauty inspiring and strengthening visitors and dwellers to walk in beauty and apply balance on a physical, emotional and spiritual level in their lives.


To cultivate and live the understanding that if we want to survive as a human species we have to become better guardians and care takers of mother earth following the sacred laws of balance, respect and love. We give what we want to receive for it is in giving that we receive.

The vision is that the Sanctuary will be totally filled, emanating the energy of this awareness and mindful practice, so that new visitors will be touched and inspired
to make a difference and preserve a healthy planet for the coming generations.

Responsibility for our actions which effect 7 generations to follow ask for giving our meaningful support and contribution and to live our prayers and what we know is true in our hearts. For the song of heart is the compass for guidance in resonance with the greater symphony of life. All instructions of how to live in harmony with creation is to be found there. Therefor it is crucial to listen deeply and create daily time of self inquiry and meditation. Through this introspection we understand what our true life purpose is and how to make our steps and choices accordingly.
The Sanctuary will provide a permanent as well as temporary space for people to live and practice a life in balance with our planet earth and through this our solar system, galaxy and universe.


"Being at the Sanctuary is like being in another world, closer to the elements of Mother Nature. The peace and quiet here is hardly ever disturbed by the sounds of cars and other machinery. The Wind whispers here softly and the birds sing their praises to the great mystery present here...!"


You are invited to ACT NOW and MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

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